Free Mental Health First Aid Workshop for EQUS Members

Free Mental Health First Aid Workshop for EQUS Members

We are pleased to share that we have teamed up with McMan Youth, Family and Community Services Association to provide a free, virtual Mental Health First Aid - Supporting Youth workshop for EQUS members.

EQUS staff and Board of Directors raise funds each year for different community initiatives including a series of mental health workshops we began in 2020. This will be the final workshop and it is available at no cost to EQUS members who wish to participate.

Date: Time: Location:
May 24 & 25 1:00 P.M until 5:00 P.M. Virtual

**Please note: the workshops were originally scheduled for April 19 & 20, but were moved to May 24 & 25 to allow more time for registration and pre-work for participants**

What is Mental Health First Aid?

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is the help provided to a person who may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or who might be in a crisis. The course is designed for adults who have frequent contact with young people such as parents and guardians, teachers and other school staff, sports coaches, and youth workers.

Mental Health First Aid - Supporting Youth Workshop Information:

The Mental Health Commission of Canada reports that one in every five Canadians experiences a mental health or substance use problem within a given year. These problems often first develop during adolescence or early adulthood. While people often know a lot about physical illness, most people have less knowledge about mental health or substance use problems. This lack of understanding often leads to fear and negative attitudes toward those living with these problems. It prevents people from seeking help for themselves, and from providing appropriate support to people around them.

Course participants will learn how to:

  • Recognize signs that a young person may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or who might be in a mental health or substance use crisis
  • Have conversations that encourage a young person to talk about their mental well-being
  • Discuss professional and other supports that could help with recovery to improved mental well-being
  • Reach out to these supports
  • Assist in a mental health or substance use crisis situation
  • Check in with one’s own mental well-being and take action as needed.

Participants will complete a self-directed study of Module 1 prior to the course that focuses on the information and strategies that participants will discuss and practice throughout the virtual classroom modules (Modules 2 and 3). Upon registration, participants receive a link to the “MHFA Reference Guide” that outlines MHFA actions for developing mental health and substance use problems, and mental health crises. 

To register for the workshop please email lesley.whalen@mcmancentral.ca

Members are free to purchase electricity services from a retailer of their choice. For a list of retailers, visit http://www.ucahelps.alberta.ca or call 310.4822 (toll free in Alberta).
